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important : be smart with your insurance

Dear members of SACA,

Several members of SACA have recently experienced difficulties in getting proper insurance coverage for their boats. The problem is not to be misplaced on the insurances ! They are making business and like any other well-driven company, they will get rid of their painful customers.

This has happened in many countries, including USA, Australia, etc. Multiple competitors will probably not be able to participate to Worlds Championships because they cannot contract a liability insurance. If we as sailor do not care more, we will be in the same case within 1-2 years. Insurances do not like foiling boats, they are perceived as being dangerous and as such "risks to avoid".

Within IACA, we have taken contacts with several instances about the problem, but so far we could not get any company to be interested.

My recommendations to you as boat owners :

  • Stop posting or liking pictures of boat carnage on social media.
  • Stop thinking that because you pay insurance, you deserve to get a few items for free every 3 years.
  • Stop announcing anything less than 5'000 CHF. Pay it with your pocket money.
  • Maybe you should even pay everything from pocket money and only call your insurance for total loss or injuries to other people.

The next time you call your insurance, what will happen is the following :

  1. they will try not to pay
  2. they might pay, eventually
  3. then they will cancel your contract
  4. and you will not find anyone else willing to insure you and your boat

I hope I have been clear, but if not, talk to me !

Kind regards,