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Reports on Campione and Arco 2019

Report on Campione and Arco 2019.

Just came back from Campione (A-Cat Trofeo) from 28-29 September and then Arco (German Nationals) from 4-6 October. Our italians friends are always good to provide good weather, wind and food, this week in Garda was again an opportunity to have everyone smiling after the races.

On the road to Campione, our friend Alex decided to explode a trailer tire while driving on the highway... luckily on the right side and having a spare wheel he was soon again chasing us towards Campione.

In Campione I used a flat sail which wasn't working at all, no way to get speed, even in heavy wind, it simply didn't work. Others on the fleet found the user manual of their boats and showed happy smiles for days after massively beating their president - which wasn't really taken as an offence after enough beers and pizza were added to the mix.

Thanks Jarek for the bottle and sorry for having damaged your boat with my cheek.... your president is die-hard, usually :-)

In Arco, we started the training week with nice winds on Monday and Tuesday. I tried another sail and boom... 3 knots added to my upwind speed. The german championships was held in heavy winds, with many sailors prefering the confortable shore instead of being beatten by the Peler or Ora winds, with 20+ gusts here and there.

I went to bath after missing my trapeze hook. In the process, I broke my winglet, without noticying it. Later I wondered why my boat would go for the moon and why my pants and neoprene were ripped off.

On Sunday morning, the first warning signal was planned for 8am... it was somewhat difficult to rig our boats when the daylight was still 30 minutes away.

Some minor injuries later, untouchable Mischa won the German championships, with first German Paul Kohlhoff taking home the german crown, scoring 2nd on the ranking. Paul is a talented Nacra 17 sailor and Arco was his first A-Cat experience. Expect more from this young and opiniated sailor. Our very own Sandro with a 3rd overall ranking showed great speed and boat handling with consistent results, even in strong winds. It seems the easy rudder rake remote control of the latest Scheurer G7 is a must-have when it goes to easy foiling and boat control in heavy conditions.

Flüela pass under snow. Thanks Sandro for driving us home safely through the Italian and Swiss Alps !

Charles, SUI 65

The results of Campione
The results of Arco